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Our goal is to create comprehensive, community-driven solutions that support underserved populations by providing housing and essential services for the unhoused, as well as workforce development programs for youth, adolescents, and adults. We will collaborate with junior colleges and trade schools to offer educational pathways and skill development in areas such as masonry, surveying, ironwork, plumbing, HVAC, demolition, renovation, framing, roofing, carpentry, and knowledge of building materials. These skills will help repair abandoned buildings, create stable homes, and generate jobs for both the unhoused and those involved in youth workforce development. Our organization is deeply committed to providing alternative education programs and re-engagement opportunities for individuals facing truancy or barriers to education. Our mission includes reinvesting in the community by transforming abandoned buildings into resource centers and safe havens, with a focus on at-risk individuals and migrant families, ensuring access to housing, educational opportunities, and pathways to self-sufficiency.